Saturday, November 25, 2017

Gratitude in the Workplace

Dr. Debra Stewart

Throughout Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully, recommendations for culture change, naming the behavior, training and development, communication reform, and changes in policies and procedures have been made in order to build a healthier bully-free workplace. Although the bully triad may be responsible for the mayhem, the culture of the organization often becomes the breeding ground for the toxic workplace. When organizations are looking for a quick fix to the problem, they may fire all who are responsible for the bully event. Sometimes the reaction is to promote fear in others who may be contemplating similar behaviors or misuse of power. However, firing employees may create a loss that may not be recovered concerning organizational knowledge, expertise, and brand image. In addition, firing employees for system problems may cause other highly talented employees to exit the organization.
Research has proven that any combination of interventions that include culture change, naming the behavior, training, development, communication reform, and changes in policies and procedures will yield a huge return on investment (ROI). Chapter 8 explores another intervention that is currently being researched, and it involves gratitude, which is another factor in organizational culture that is worthy of developing and has been proven to promote a high ROI concerning training investment during culture change. Gratitude in the workplace increases prosocial behaviors, appreciation, and coping while strengthening social relationships and fostering reciprocity.

Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully

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