Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Psychology of the Swamp No. 9: Cyberbullying and Unmet Needs

As long as there are unmet needs, there will be bullies, victims, and bystanders. Organizational psychology examines the systems that foster the rise of bully triads in schools, the workplace, and in cyberbullying, and provides change in the form of improved policies and procedures, communication and education and development. Cyberbullying is a different system to change because the delivery and scope of the interface are unbridled and without checks and balances. The bully feeds off of the rewards that temporarily meet the bully's perceived unmet needs and victims and bystanders receive the effects of bullying which mimic the negative control of instrumental conditioning creating feelings of loss concerning safety and love and belonging. The educational opportunity is to identify the triad's unmet needs and then provide support to change negative attitudes and beliefs into beliefs about empowerment, self-actualization, and self-efficacy.

Monday, May 14, 2018

The Psychology of the Swamp No 8: Cyberbullying and Broadcasting

Dr. Debra Stewart Bully Management and Prevention Specialist
All communication is 93% nonverbal, and when we engage in social media to broadcast our ideas and opinions, it can be challenging to send the message with clarity because 93% of the nonverbal part of the communication is often missing. In today's business world we are becoming more virtual with less face-to-face interaction and social exchange which may make our messages seem more hostile than initially intended. For example, when tempers clash in a boardroom meeting or director's meeting, and opposing opinions escalate, there are still signals embedded in the nonverbals that indicate that there will be some form of collaboration, negotiation, and closure to the dilemma discussed. In social media, quick messages are only part of the communication, and these messages become more obscure when interpreted cross-culturally, across industries, or the left-right political spectrum.

Friday, May 11, 2018

The Psychology of the Swamp No. 7: Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is different than workplace or school bullying in that it is difficult to describe and identify. Cyberbullying occurs across personal digital devices and social, and public media and often involves negative, false, and harmful information that damages self-worth, self-esteem, or the character of another person.  In general, cyberbullying intimidates others, is threatening, menacing and causes mental duress. The definition of cyberbullying is very personal and can be different among varies cultures, industries, and political regions. To harm one's self-worth, cyberbullying may target personal values, and beliefs. To harm one's self-esteem, cyberbullying would seek to destroy one's personal beliefs about their gifts, talents, and abilities.  The character assassination of cyberbully seeks to destroy personal credibility by spreading rumors, and misinformation that is convoluted enough to bring into question the victim's ethics, morals, core values, and integrity. Because cyberbullying damages self-worth, self-esteem, and character the tangible evidence of a crime can be evasive and difficult to describe and identity; however, the damage that is done by cyberbullying is insidious because it can reduce communication and trust and create a global fight or flight mentality.