Tuesday, December 12, 2023

123 Gratitude Prompts


Investing in the Failure of Others


 Investing in the failure of others sounds odd, but it is a characteristic behavior of the bully. History is full of people who wanted others to fail for personal gain. Practices such as these indicate that something is wrong with the emotional well-being of the organization. A sick organization is created when the hierarchy of needs is unmet, such as when the workplace is unstable or unsafe or social needs are ignored and when a lack of respect is the norm, and self-efficacy, fulfillment, and autonomy are missing.

  -Dr. Debra Stewart


Monday, December 4, 2023

Theory of Mind and Bullying

There are various theories regarding the cause of bullying, such as socioeconomic barriers and restrictions to reward and recognition or different trait theories that suggest that bullies are born, and their environment aids their escalation to power. Some theories also suggest that antisocial behavior, conduct disorders, or possibly sociopathy are the root causes of bullying. Somewhat new is the suggestion that failure to develop a theory of mind may be the cause of bullying. Having a theory of mind is the ability to understand that other people may have different emotions, beliefs, and points of view other than one's own and that a lack of theory of mind may lead to reduced empathy or compassion for others. There has been some research that connects the lack of theory of mind to children with autism or Asperger's syndrome and children and adults who are bullies. The findings of most meta-analyses concerning bullying are that bullies are not homogeneous in their methods or types of bullying, and interventions will require assessment and treatment that is specific to the cause of the bullying event. - Dr. Stewart 