Saturday, January 13, 2018

Finding the Good in the Bully: Bullying in the School System

Dr. Debra Stewart
Finding the Good in the Bully sounds like a misnomer; however, if we can see both the good in the person with bully behaviors and the dangerous components of bully events; we can fix systems that allow bullies to rise to power.

I am working on my second book Finding the Good in the School Bully, and I need your help.

Have you ever been bullied at school? Please send your story to to add to my research and analysis of bullying within the school systems.

Please note that none of your identifiers will be part of the research or the stories printed for publication.

To ensure your privacy, please do not use the names of the bullies, victims, or bystanders in your stories. Use fictitious names for persons, places, and things so that your account describes the event without identifying the source and members of the bully triad.

Please provide permission to print your story in future publications and other media. Your name or the names of the bully, victims, or bystanders will not be disclosed to protect the privacy of everyone involved.

Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully

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