Sunday, March 31, 2019

Lasting Unquestionable Forgiveness

Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully is a book that offers various assessment methods to change organizational culture and to begin the healing process. Examining unmet needs and promoting the removal of certain unhealthy norms that may exist will help reduce the longevity of future workplace bullies and ease the distress of victims and bystanders. More importantly, change will bring about forgiveness so that the very same employees who battled against one another or who were fearful of one another may find the peace to work under one organizational mission again.


Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Expert and the Novice

The expert and the novice may breed a bully-type situation, primarily when there is a lack of time provided for teaching and learning.  Often, the expert is required to mentor a new student or employee in addition to their duties which creates tension and a sense of urgency to advance the novice to the next level. Through both verbal and nonverbal communication, the beginner begins to feel performance anxiety and too intimidated to ask questions for fear of prolonging this frazzled link to support.