Friday, April 15, 2022

What Victims Do When There is a Bully in the House


Victims waste time at work and home building a defense against the bully's abuse, politicking for support, and just running scenarios in their minds to form a corrective plan of action. Behaviors such as these interfere with productivity and employee motivation and eventually leave the employee with a sense of diminished self-efficacy and self-worth. Also, creative energies suffer because victims are busy trying to fulfill unmet needs and protect other marginalized victims. Bully triads consisting of the bully, the bystander, and the victim are known to create silo mentalities where information and resources are restricted to reduce the chance of interference from the bully. Silo mentalities are behaviors that are great time wasters for other more productive teams because of the limited communication that it creates between departments, divisions, and partnerships. Start your bully prevention program today! 




Finding the Good in the Workplace Bully


An Organizational Approach to Workplace Bullying


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