Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Peaceful Protester's Dilemma

There are similarities and differences between peaceful protesters and angry mobs or rioters. A peaceful protester and an angry riotous mob are similar in that they are symbolic of a system problem of unheard and unaddressed needs. However, the two groups are different in that intentional harm is the motive for riotous mobs, and peaceful protesters march without harming others to be heard. When the two groups merge, a new system problem emerges to form a triad consisting of bullies, victims, and bystanders. In this group, bullies lead the aggressive acts, victims feel punished, and bystanders are held responsible for the bullies' coercive power. Unfortunately, no one hears either group, and unmet needs continue. While rioting and protesting produce results, the question becomes, is it the most efficient use of talent to achieve change that results in being heard and unmet needs addressed? -Dr. Stewart
                                                   The Peaceful Protester's Dilemma


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