Saturday, March 28, 2020

Social Distancing and the Bully

Social distancing is a unique situation that might reduce bully-type behaviors from individuals who may prey on the marginalized. Without an audience or the rewards found in social groups, the bully may seek other ways to satisfy their unhealthy unmet needs and drives. However, there are bully personalities who thrive on microaggression and covert methods to maintain an imbalance of power when separated from their target. When individuals are advised to practice social distancing, the bystander becomes essential as they can be the protective shield from bully-type behaviors by using the approved distance communication methods to stay in touch with those who are quarantined or practicing social distancing. The bystander might be a neighbor, family member, coworker, or other agency helpers who can listen, advise, and report the abuse of the marginalized in isolation.

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