The book An Organizational Approach to Workplace Bullying examines organizational culture and wellness in the presence of bully triads. The book includes ideas for assessment and performance improvement concerning organizational culture. The book addresses possible approaches to improve workplace culture and organizational wellness and to create bully-free environments.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
Cyberbullying and Unmet Needs
As long as there are unmet needs, there will be bullies, victims, and bystanders. Organizational psychology examines the systems that foster the rise of bully triads in schools, communities, and the workplace. Organizational psychologists provide change through improved policies and procedures, communication and education, and development. Cyberbullying is a different system to change because the delivery and scope of the interface are unbridled and without checks and balances. The bully feeds off of the rewards that temporarily meet the bully's perceived unmet needs, and victims and bystanders receive the effects of bullying, which mimic the negative control of instrumental conditioning, creating feelings of loss concerning safety, love, and belonging. The educational opportunity is to identify the triad's unmet needs and then provide support to change negative attitudes and beliefs into beliefs about empowerment, self-actualization, and self-efficacy.
-Dr. Stewart