Saturday, July 27, 2024

Survivors of Workplace Bullying


Candidates with short work histories or failure to develop within the organization may indicate that a person has been a member of a bully triad in the past. Remember, a bully triad consists of the bully, the victim, and the bystander. It is essential that during the screening process, questions are presented to explore the candidate’s opinions and ideas or experience with workplace bullies. Often, members of previous bully triads consist of individuals who have tried to survive toxic workplaces, and bringing them into your organization may involve a time of healing so that the employee can learn to trust again and relinquish unhealthy coping mechanisms. Workplace bullying is common, and finding elements of past triads in new employees may help managers develop new employee orientation programs that include a triage area for support and clarification of acceptable behaviors and values.

 An Organizational Approach to Workplace Bullying

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Building Blocks of Gratitude


Escalations in Chaos and Workplace Tension


The workplace bully can easily be identified when there are escalations in chaos and workplace tension because bullies are often central figures who receive credit for all infamous deeds and, sometimes, heroics. Bullies harbor resources, information, and knowledge and undermine every functional process. However, workplace bullies do not suddenly emerge into existence but are fueled by imbalances in the organizational culture and slowly nurtured to take their unfair share of the workplace power.

-Dr. Debra Stewart

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

123 Gratitude Prompts


Investing in the Failure of Others


 Investing in the failure of others sounds odd, but it is a characteristic behavior of the bully. History is full of people who wanted others to fail for personal gain. Practices such as these indicate that something is wrong with the emotional well-being of the organization. A sick organization is created when the hierarchy of needs is unmet, such as when the workplace is unstable or unsafe or social needs are ignored and when a lack of respect is the norm, and self-efficacy, fulfillment, and autonomy are missing.

  -Dr. Debra Stewart