Sunday, December 26, 2021

How Do You Know if You Are a Workplace Bully?


How do you know if you are a workplace bully? Perhaps you are in a position of authority in your workplace or are competitive and an over-achiever by nature. Wrapped up in the excitement of a new project or resolving old issues, you might feel that you are leaving others behind. It might be beneficial to periodically reflect on your mission and values and follow these four simple steps. In that case, you can still be yourself and be goal-oriented and driven without being considered a bully by those around you.


  1. Practice empathy and compassion for others every day.
  2. Work every day to improve your emotional intelligence. 
  3. Avoid harboring resources, knowledge, and creating silo mentalities that reduce communication.
  4. Mentor someone following in your footsteps. 

Remember that not everyone has the same foundation in life, opportunities, skills, and competencies. And not everyone has the stamina to compete and manage the stressors of life, disability, and hidden disabilities as those who seem more successful and energetic in the workplace. Understanding how success is perceived or affecting others in the workforce will help you avoid behaviors often associated with workplace bullying. 

Dr. Stewart





Bully Management and Prevention Certification

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